
Alrian Neobehaviorisme dalam Sistem Psikologi

Aliran Neobehaviorisme dalam Sistem Psikologi Nama Kelompok          : Nirva Adeyusta R                  (111611133025) Adindalia Yuniar B                 (111611133026)                                       Cessa Aprila P.D                   (111611133043)                                       Erika Pransiska                      (111611133095)                                       Sabilla Mariah                        (111611133146)                                       Maudyfa Diendra                  (111611133204)                                     UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA SURABAYA 2017 KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena dengan rahmat, karunia, serta taufik dan hidayah-Nya kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah tentang Aliran Behaviorisme dalam Sistem Psikologi. Makalah ini telah kami susun dengan usaha yang semaksimal mungkin, tentunya dengan banyak bantuan dari berbagai pihak t

My Daily Skin Care Routine

Hellooo fellas!  Its been a long time, since I almost never update about anything in this blog. Wanna talk about skin care routine?  Well, my obsession with skin care started when I developed acne around age 16, which later grew into dullness face on age 18.  My teenage dream was to be a dermatologist- mostly to come up with a cure that would take away my unconcealable acne and also help other young people afflicted by  bad skin. But you know, by the time I grow up, I choose to study about Psychology.  I wanted to learn more about skin and how I could care for mine in general. After I decided to the  Dermatologist in Erha on 2015, with Dr. Wigih. I got the best result on my face. I thought about went to the doctor would make me dependence on the medicine of doctor's cream. 1 year and a half time I used erha for my face, but then I looked out on the internet and my friend's experience about skin care. So I choose Kiehl's for my daily skin care routine. I'