DIY - Galaxy Print Shoes

 This is the galaxy print shoes. If you want to know how to make this, keep reading.

you'll need brushes, sponges and black or navy blue canvas shoes. you will also need acrylic paint, this seemed like the easiest thing to use, we didn't try fabric paint but if you're willing to risk it go for the fabric paint.

1. You'll need some pain black or navy canvas shoes, I got mine from topshop in the sale for only 
2. Take the laces out and tape round the soles of the shoes to keep them clean.
3. Start dabbing blue paint all over the shoe with a sponge.
4. Gradually add the purple and pink paint in various places. Mix white paint in with some of the     colours to give a more dimensional look to the background. Try to alternate where you put the different colours so each shoe doesn't look too similar.
5. This step is optional but I dabbed little bits of white paint around the shoe to create the effect of clouds.
6. With a really thin brush dab small dots of white paint randomly around the shoe, if you do this in a pattern it will not look as realistic. You can also flick paint over the shoe to create varied stars. Add a couple of bigger stars by crossing two lines over each other. Then paint around the lace holes white to make it look more polished then remove the tape and put your laces in and you're finished!

I absolutely love how mine turned out, at first I wasn't too sure if they'd look good at all but I kept going over the background with different colours and it took me a while to get it how I liked it but it turned out ok in the end. I can't wait to wear them on holiday! I don't think I'll wear them here as you can not trust the weather and the paints I used are water based so it probably would all run off. I am going to spray them with a waterproof shoe spray but I still wouldn't want to risk it in the rain. What do you think? Are you going to do this to some shoes you have?


  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. bell bikinin, habis itu kamu jual ke aku dengan harga "free no pajak" yaaa

    1. Yuk mari bikiin, Kalo berhasil baru dijual;)

  3. km bisa ta nak? aku pernah bikin di tank top, dan itu gagal


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